If 70 to 80 percent of Americans are not attending church on a regular basis, we believers must take the church to them. To see our cities, states, and nations change, we cannot sit idly by and watch our pastors or local church leaders bear the responsibility for change alone. As followers of Jesus, we are the Church with a capital C. We are ambassadors or missionaries for the Kingdom of God. God wants to partner with us to make disciples of all nations. Approaching the marketplace as not solely a place to earn a living but also as a mission field is one way of fulfilling the Great Commission. A pivotal experience with a coworker refocused Tom Darby on the importance of sharing Jesus in the workplace. In many ways, Tom is a product himself of marketplace missionary outreach. He shares a raw story from his past that moved him toward fulfilling his call to work in excellence, while being available to encourage his fellow workers toward a relationship with Jesus Christ. From Tom's thirty-plus years as a marketplace missionary, learn how to

  • Respond to the call to be a marketplace missionary
  • Develop a marketplace ministry
  • Show God's love to your coworkers and employers
  • Begin prayer and Bible studies in the workplace
  • Follow the Holy Spirit's leadership throughout your workday
Tom Darby currently serves as an elder at Radiant Church. His degree is in mechanical engineering. Tom and his wife Karen own four businesses in Southwest Michigan, and their four grown children all work with them. Tom's passion is taking Christ to the marketplace.

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